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About Elena Blaj


Level 3 QHHT  

QHHT Global Forum 


Method by Dolores Cannon

Introspective Hypnosis Practitioner 

Method via Antonio Sangio

Quantum Touch Practitioner

Method by Richard Gordon

Reiki Healing Practitioner

Method by Miako Usui

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Message from Elena

Hello Beautiful Souls!


I was originally born in Bucharest/Romania, but my life journey continued in the states in my mid 20's. As a little girl I found myself gazing up at the stars and feeling the urge to explore the mysteries of the unknown ( and still do it to this day!). Often there is a calling that we all crave to find the answers to our problems and concerns.

Having suffered from anxiety, high blood pressure, chronic back pain, and depression for a long time, I desperately searched to find healing for myself and others. As an intuitive empath I felt that my lifelong career as a Massage Therapist and Esthetician wasn't enough anymore. So, there I was one day, stumbling across Dolores Cannon's teachings having a great "AHA" moment; getting a subtle feeling that I have not found her, but rather she was nudging me. I can honestly tell you that if you ask for help with an open heart and soul, it will be delivered to you. After my first QHHT session, my anxiety was gone, no more blood pressure and my back pain started to subside slowly but surely. I am now Healed by the power of my own Subconscious Mind and able to see and understand what my body was trying to tell me for the longest time, but ... I was not listening ...

I am here to help and guide you on the path to your own FREEDOM and LIBERATION of Mind, Body, and Soul through QHHT. I am humbled and honored that I was chosen to be one of Dolores's Practitioners and I look forward to touching as many, many lives as I can!  


Elena Blaj

PS: Elena is currently working as a full time QHHT practitioner only, no other services are offered at  time.

  She is part of the 4 Global Forum Moderators Team, helping new practitioners hone their skills.

© 2016 by Elena Blaj | Level III QHHT Practitioner | All Rights Reserved

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